Fendi bags are the embodiment of accessorising with flair and elegance. Part of the iconic Fendi universe is the double-F logo that epitomises the brand’s luxurious view on fashion and makes for an elevated addition to any look. This brown coated fabric and calf leather double F logo clutch bag from Fendi features a top zip closure, a front zip pocket, gold-tone hardware, an internal logo patch, a red lining and a red and dark blue Fendi Roma logo appliqué on the front. Dimensions: Width: 11.4 inches; Height: 7.7 inches. Composition: 26% polyester, 23%polyurethane, 23%polyamide, 14%cotton, 14%resin; Emboidery: 100% calf leather; Lining: 61%cotton, 32%polyester, 7%polyurethane. .